Church Membership
We see church membership as a privilege and responsibility. Membership in SFC means that you have committed yourself to this family of believers, and have agreed to participate fully in the life, ministry, and mission of our church. To become a member:
This regularly offered class gives basic information about who we are and what we do, while giving you the opportunity to explore and ask questions.
At this informal gathering you will meet with SFC members and pastoral staff to allow us to get to know you better, to hear how you came to be a Christian, and what God is doing in your life.
We must grasp once again, the idea of church membership as being the membership of the body of Christ and as the biggest honor which can come a man’s way in this world.
— Martyn Lloyd-Jones
At Sunday Worship, you will come forward with other new members and publicly affirm your faith in Jesus. Those who have not been baptized previously will receive Holy Baptism at that time.
Whether or not you officially join SFC, we hope God will use this community of Jesus followers to change your life and equip you to change the lives of your friends, family, and neighbors. We believe God will use SFC to transform El Paso through the gospel of Jesus Christ as we love God and love people.